We just may have the piece of the puzzle you are missing
in order to live your best life now
to become a Founding Member in the Anchor Financial Network Community for people seeking . . .

      We created the Anchor Financial Network Community to bring you together with equally passionate people seeking Financial Freedom sooner rather than later ready for something new that's private and outside of social media without noise or distractions.

   It will be the home for our Proprietary U Earn While U Learn (UEWUL) pronounced yule 90 day part time Basic Training & Probation Period for candidates in our Associate Income Program. Joining the AFNC Community is the first commitment required for Associate Candidates to gain entry to our Associate Income Program. 

   We changed the name of the Community from the originally proposed Anchor-Inspire Network back to our original Anchor Financial Network to simplify, and avoid any branding confusion or potential licensing issues, because most of our Inspire Partners hold one or more licenses, which we don't need on the Anchor side.

   There will still be an Inspire group in our Community since they do play an important role along with a number of other special interest groups you can't get access to anywhere else.

   A few things you’ll see quickly that make the Anchor Financial Network Community different:

  •    It’s Ours. As we build this community together, we have some great features for creating exclusive content, deeper conversations, richer polls, and online and in-real-life events. Plus, by building this community off of social media, you can have a more efficient and valuable experience with us, and with each other, without outside distractions.

  •    There are More Ways for You to Meet Each Other.  There are more ways for you to meet people who are near you, who fall into the same categories, or who care about the same topics. We can’t get this in free groups or on a website elsewhere.

  •    We Can Bring Together Content and Community.e This means we're freed up to bring you new, fresh ideas and new practices that you can take into your daily life.

What You Should Expect From the Anchor Financial Network Community

  •    We''re aiming to make your experience there awesome. We want you to get five (5) key things from the Anchor Financial Network Community:

  •    1) Get exclusive content and conversations you can’t find anywhere else. 

  •    2) Meet people who share your interests who live near you, who do the same things, or who care about the same topics.

  •    2) Make better, more well-informed decisions about the things that are most important to you.

  •   3)  Swap stories, experiences, and ideas (not necessarily advice) around our shared mission.

  •   4)  Find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspective each and every day.

  •    5) To get answers to questions that don't have an easy or obvious answer.

And also
  •    To build practices and habits that are important to us and nearly impossible to do on our own.

  •    To work smarter and more efficiently as a result of hearing the stories, experiences, and ideas of people on the same path.

  •    To join a program where we can learn faster and more efficiently in ways we can't do on our own.

  •    To access exclusive connections and knowledge that create a competitive edge or less friction in helping each of us achieve our goals.

   To make this a reality, We're going to need your help.

   Every time you contribute a story, experience, or idea, you’re helping build a knowledge base every member of this community can tap into in order to make better decisions.

   And when you invite in just one more member, someone you know, like, and trust that you want with you on your journey, you’re adding rocket fuel to what this community can accomplish together. It’s why we’ll be there and why we’re grateful you’ll be there with us as well.

   To keep our Anchor Financial Network Community a safe place for everyone it is private and admission is by invitation only, you must be invited by another member to be allowed in, once you are in, you can selectively invite others, so we stay private, keep the content relevant, and keep the membership costs reasonable.

   We've always maintained privacy as mission critical, so having a totally private platform with controlled access, will allow us to publish things we previously could or would not.

   We will be moving all of our training over to the community platform in special Groups, Masterminds, and/or in Courses which will allow you to participate in 1 or more of our Mastermind Groups like The Process & Apartment Investing Masterminds facilitated by Joe.

   All of our specialized information and programs like TV & Video and other tech can only be accessed through the Community to protect our Proprietary information and processes from the prying eyes of outsiders. So if you are not in, you won't be in the know.

   Become a Founding Member and you will have more status, more benefits, more say in the direction we take, and on top of that you can save up to $20 each month or up to $138 on an annual Gold plan which gives you a lifetime of savings.

   We are limiting the number of Founding Members that we will be accepting to 250 so get in early while the Founding Member savings is still available.

   Special pre Grand Opening Bonus when you join us as a Founding Member we will include special private access to interviews of more than 40 people who have achieved Financial Freedom that will share their story and some tips. (some are probably people you have heard of before)

   If you use just 1 or 2 of the tips you will learn with this special bonus it can be worth more to you than 10 years of membership would cost you.

   Heck, 1 tip of what not to do, can save you from financial ruin, and that's priceless, because it's not what you make, it's what you keep, that really counts. Investing Rule 101: First, lose no money.

   We will have a Group within the Community for discussions on the lessons learned and tips received from these Wealth Breakthrough interviews so you can compare notes with your peers. Play an excerpt from one of the interviews right below.
 There are three reasons why a Community was chosen;

1. Community is more important right now than ever before. It’s the most effective way to navigate a rapidly changing world. A community grounds us in a picture of the world AS IT IS TODAY

2. Community is the single best way to build new practices and change habits. A changing world calls for us to evolve along with it. When we see other people making the changes we want to make, it motivates and holds us accountable.

3. Community is the single best way to pursue results and transformations. As the world changes, people invest in things that are most important to them, namely their growth and transformation. And community is the best way to go about it.

Note: We are waiving the $100 Member Initiation Fee at this time so get in now to save $100.

   You can join the waiting list to get in as a Community Member when we officially open membership or you can join now as a Founding Member at special pricing now and help us make it the place we all want to be.

   We will be moving most if not all of our training over to the community platform in special Groups and/or in Courses.

   We will have a 'make money while you sleep group' along with other active and passive income groups.

   Pricing is right below for Community and Founding Members and the payment buttons with the special Founding Member Pricing are right below the pricing table.
Note: We are waiving the $100.00 Member Initiation Fee at this time so get in now and save $100.00.

   To get on the waiting list for the Anchor Financial Network Community where you will receive the UEWUL Basic Training & much more is only $10 which you can access with the button below. There is no need to join the waiting list if you are joining as a Founding Member.
Waiting List

   The waiting list is capped at 150

   The Founding Member Cap is 250

   We will open the Community once we have 50 Founding Members including at least 10 new Associates or Associate Candidates.

Anchor Financial Network Community Founding Monthly

Founding Monthly Options

Anchor Financial Network Community Founding Annual

AFNC Founding Member
   Only the first 50 people to join the waiting list will also receive access to
the Special pre Grand Opening Bonus interviews offered to our Founding Members above.

   Being smart about money is not something you learn in school, but it should be as we believe and many of the people in the bonus interviews point out. Join now and get your hands on the valuable interviews and your Special Bonus that can pay for your membership several times over each year.

   You can join the waiting list by clicking the button on our page above.

   We will notify you once we open for Community Members

   Only the first 50 people to join the waiting list will also receive access to the Special pre Grand Opening Bonus interviews offered to our Founding Members above.

   Being smart about money is not something you learn in school, but it should be as we believe and many of the people in the bonus interviews point out. Join now and get your hands on the valuable interviews and your Special Bonus that can pay for your membership several times over each year.
   We can't be all things to all people but for the select few that seriously want Financial Freedom sooner rather than later and are committed to achieving it our Private Anchor Financial Network Community will be a safe haven to learn, grow, and share ideas outside of social media.

   If you are also considering joining one the open roles in our Associate
Income Program this qualifies as part of your commitment.

   Our Special Bonus for every member at every level is we will provide you a secret link that will provide you the opportunity to earn 3 to 5 times the cost of a Gold Annual Membership 3 to 5 times a year or more simply by being aware and not much more. (kind of makes it a 'no brainer' doesn't it?)

   That means that for everyone our membership doesn't cost, it pays if your eyes, ears, & mind are open. So join today. You need to join if you want to join us as an affiliate or Associate and enter our UEWUL U Earn While U Learn training.

   So join today Financial Freedom can be yours sooner with Community Support. You can meet an accountability partner to share the journey with so you can keep each other on track.
We will need to increase the cost of Community Access because of rising costs to provide it but it will not be a major increase like our Trust & Client services pricing because it is such an important part of our reopening to new Associates & Clients and will be where our Masterminds are held.

“Now here are some interesting facts about the mastermind which give you an idea of how important it is and how necessary that you
embrace this principle and make use of it in attaining success in your chosen occupation.

First of all, it is the principle through which you may borrow and use the education, the experience, the influence, and perhaps the capital of other people in carrying out your own plans in life.

It is the principle through which you can accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime if you depended entirely on your own efforts for success.”


A note from Joe:

Those timeless words from a uniquely qualified source were excerpted from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill which should be on your reading list along with Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer and 80/20 Sales & Marketing by Perry Marshall. 3 of the best life lesson titles you can read multiple times you need in your library.

   I believe Zig Ziglar, Earl Nightingale, and many of the other greats got much of their inspiration from Hill.

According to an article published by INC:

   The "Mastermind" industry is at an all-time high. People want to be a part of private and exclusive groups. They are seen as the "unfair advantage" to getting ahead [as] individuals join elite groups to tap into a rare form of collective wisdom.”

   And I couldn’t agree more … I personally belong to several masterminds ranging from low-cost social groups to high-level professional networks, and they all provide value at different levels … From inspiration to personal insights, the advantages are significant … and the costs are too, but the value I get back is worth more than the costs.

   My private masterminds; Apartment Investing, Marketing, The Process, & Real Estate are anywhere from $2,500 to $7,500 per year, limited to 40 people, and all full with a waiting list. A couple I would be in if there was an opening are $50,000+ per year.

   I will make time to occasionally join in on a few segments in a couple of the masterminds available to gold members, so maybe I'll see you there.

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." 

— Napolean Hill

We will have a number of Masterminds in our AFNC Community.

Access to Masterminds is generally by invitation only at the price of admission offered.

Access to certain Masterminds is included for Gold Level Members.