Registration form for audition < - - - tab 

The video submission link will follow shortly.

Audition videos should be 5 minutes or less and you will be able to submit up to 3 takes.

You should also submit your 'why' video that gives your 'why.' for entering CGT and explains what it would mean to you to have your own show if you are the season one Grand Prize winner. (15 minutes max)

Note: a release form is required with all submissions and the $25.00 registration fee so we can keep adding to the prizes & prize money.

Video submissions will not be returned, they will be formatted and processed for compliance to standards and may receive minor editing if needed.

If major editing is required you will be notified and an additional editing fee may be required.

Video submissions will be added to channels and shows after processing so they may be streamed and viewed by channel and show audiences.

Since this a more labor intensive process than a live audition and it has much more longevity and the potential for much more viability there will be a minor handling charge for each video upload initially set at:

Audition Videos – $14 each

Upload, process, format, minor edit, prepare for show, add to channels

Why Videos - $23 each

Upload, process, format, minor edit, prepare for show, add to channels

Prices subject to change.

Copies of finished files may be available for purchase in the future.

You can pay for your Video Uploads and Registration Fee using the buttons below.

CGT Audition Registration Fee

CGT Audition Video
Upload, process, format, minor edit, prepare for show, add to channels

CGT Why Video
Upload, process, format, minor edit, prepare for show, add to channels

Just select the appropriate quantity add each one to cart and check out when complete.

We are open to amateurs only and will only allow Associates, contractors, or employees to compete in Season One but starting in Season Two Associates, contractors, or employees will not be allowed to compete.

Some of our Channels under development