Payment Policy


All payments made to us are non-refundable.

This non-refundable policy exists because we deliver value that is far in excess of the cost in everything we do. When you offer a dollars worth of value for pennies on the dollar refunds don't make sense.

We don't charge fees for services, but we don't work for free. The trade off for no retainers and hourly billings is we take a modest advance on our profit in a transaction as an Advance Profit Payment to offset our costs or we charge a Commitment Fee so you have some skin in the game.

All payments are tendered to us as an advance profit payment. We don't have junk fees, advance profit payments offset our processing & overhead costs and apply toward the purchase price of a property. By their very nature all advance profit payments are non-refundable because they are an advance on our profit margin.

By their very nature all commitment fees are non-refundable because they offset some of our processing & overhead costs are either credited to a deal or covered under our Tuition Reimbursement Program.